3 Principles for Being Successfully Unhappy
This is a guaranteed success formula for being unhappy! If you apply these three principles to your life, and you are still feeling happy, please contact me immediately, so we can fix the problem. After all, who wants to be happy – really?
I presume that you are bursting to know this secret formula, so I will not bore you with more small talk and let us get into our first success principle for an unhappy life:
Principle #1: Try to make everybody happy!
Yes, that is right! If you are not yet one of these fellow human beings, you certainly can change! You bend over backwards to make your partner, your kids, your neighbour, your boss, your co-worker, your parents, or anybody else happy. You cannot say ‘no’ (God forbid), and you feel responsible for everybody’s happiness. Let’s please everybody else but yourself. The price you pay by ignoring your own needs and wants, being burnt out, or feeling this ‘drop-dead-exhaustion’ does not bother you because after all – everybody is happy – except for you! And by making everybody else happy, and putting yourself on the back-burner, at least you don’t have to cope with guilt of being selfish. After all, there might be a chance that they validate and love you forever: because you are their people-pleasing champion!
Next super power unhappiness principle:
Principle #2: Expect EVERYBODY to be happy with you, or like you!
I personally can guarantee that your unhappiness will not be in jeopardy if you continue to expect everybody to be happy with you, or everybody to like you. I know you have been trying hard to people-please, and to try to make everybody happy, but ‘low and behold’, you still displease some people and some will not like you! You have been living up to other peoples’ expectations – and they are still not happy with you! Yes, unhappiness please stay! (Maybe one day everybody will be happy with you and like you – you might just have to try a bit harder!).
Note to Reader: current Earth population is 8 Billion
Last but not least:
Principle #3: Wanting to change what you cannot change
This is my favourite recipe for unhappiness: People trying to change what they cannot change. People trying to control what they cannot control. You will dwell in unhappiness if you have a belief that you can change another person, or certain circumstances which are not in your control. If you use all your energy and resources to change ‘the things/people’ you cannot change, you will have less for changing the things you can change. So please continue to try to change what you cannot change or control, and your unhappiness will be yours for eternity.
This is a guaranteed success formula for being unhappy! If you apply these three principles to your life, and you are still feeling happy, please contact me immediately, so we can fix the problem. After all, who wants to be happy – really?
I presume that you are bursting to know this secret formula, so I will not bore you with more small talk and let us get into our first success principle for an unhappy life:
Principle #1: Try to make everybody happy!
Yes, that is right! If you are not yet one of these fellow human beings, you certainly can change! You bend over backwards to make your partner, your kids, your neighbour, your boss, your co-worker, your parents, or anybody else happy. You cannot say ‘no’ (God forbid), and you feel responsible for everybody’s happiness. Let’s please everybody else but yourself. The price you pay by ignoring your own needs and wants, being burnt out, or feeling this ‘drop-dead-exhaustion’ does not bother you because after all – everybody is happy – except for you! And by making everybody else happy, and putting yourself on the back-burner, at least you don’t have to cope with guilt of being selfish. After all, there might be a chance that they validate and love you forever: because you are their people-pleasing champion!
Next super power unhappiness principle:
Principle #2: Expect EVERYBODY to be happy with you, or like you!
I personally can guarantee that your unhappiness will not be in jeopardy if you continue to expect everybody to be happy with you, or everybody to like you. I know you have been trying hard to people-please, and to try to make everybody happy, but ‘low and behold’, you still displease some people and some will not like you! You have been living up to other peoples’ expectations – and they are still not happy with you! Yes, unhappiness please stay! (Maybe one day everybody will be happy with you and like you – you might just have to try a bit harder!).
Note to Reader: current Earth population is 8 Billion
Last but not least:
Principle #3: Wanting to change what you cannot change
This is my favourite recipe for unhappiness: People trying to change what they cannot change. People trying to control what they cannot control. You will dwell in unhappiness if you have a belief that you can change another person, or certain circumstances which are not in your control. If you use all your energy and resources to change ‘the things/people’ you cannot change, you will have less for changing the things you can change. So please continue to try to change what you cannot change or control, and your unhappiness will be yours for eternity.