Work With Us


WORK WITH Radiant Renewal: Shine Bright After 50

Supporting women 50+ to step out of their mediocre life and into one filled with freedom,

fulfillment and courage in just 7 weeks or less!

Pain Points

  • The years have slipped through your fingers, and you are finding yourself constantly on the backburner, and you are wondering if this is as good as it gets?
  • Your life has become a mundane event  in which you feel a gnawing emptiness that no amount of superficial success, connections or ‘stuff’ can fill.
  •  You feel like you have lost pieces of yourself and your confidence and assertiveness has dwindled to near non-existence choked by the fear of judgment and the dread of confrontation.
  • You are stuck in the cycle of dissatisfaction, feeling disempowered and resigned, unable to say ‘no’ to others and set clear boundaries. It seems no matter how hard you try to get unstuck you are unable to break the cycle.
  • You get up in the morning and each day feels like your personal ‘Groundhog Day’. You pretend all is fine to the outside world when in fact the real YOU is hiding and staying in a comfort zone in which you survive but cannot thrive!
  • Your dreams and passions are far-away memories and you are feeling trapped in mundane repetitions  and unfulfilled potential – though deep down, a rebellious spark endures, flickering against the feeling of unhappiness.

In seven SUPER TRANSFORMATIONAL weeks you will discover your bright sparkle within

which will make you feel happy, alive and free beyond your wildest dreams

  • Shifting from living with a lack of confidence and assertiveness you will be able to navigate life’s challenges with unwavering confidence, making decisions that reflect your true desires. You will be able to be assertive, master the art of saying ‘no’ and establishing boundaries that protect your time, energy and emotions.
  • Getting out of your cycle of dissatisfaction, mediocracy and feeling unfulfilled, you will look to your future with anticipation and excitement! You will get a clear vision, renewed purpose and ignite your spark for living again! The clarity about what you really want and desire will emerge.
  • You will be liberated from the constraints of societal expectations and other peoples’ judgements and opinions so you can be self-expressed and show up for who you truly are.  You will rediscover the joy of living, feeling a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment in your daily activities. Emotional richness will colour your life with positive and contentment.
  • From feeling mostly tired and lethargic you will get a drastic increase of energy. You will become aware of what depletes your energy and you will be able to eliminate ‘energy vampires’. The increase of energy will help you to tackle challenges, pursue your passions and empower you to stay on your desired track towards your dreams and aspirations.
  • Instead of repeating the past (and taking it into your future), you will learn how to leave it behind. You will be able to break free from the shackles of your past, moving forward with a clean slate and focus on the present and the future. This liberation will open up new paths in your life.
  • Your ‘Groundhog Day’ existence will be replaced by learning how to  you get into the driver’s seat of your ‘bus’ (called life). You are getting clear and will embrace that you are an autonomous u.


There is another way…