
What is the Universe Trying to Tell You?

What is the Universe Trying to Tell You?

The ‘big bang’ can come in form of being retrenched from your job, getting seriously sick, you lose somebody you love – or like in my case, a relationship break-up after many years.

3 Principles for Being Successfully Unhappy

3 Principles for Being Successfully Unhappy

This is a guaranteed success formula for being unhappy! If you apply these three principles to your life, and you are still feeling happy, please contact me immediately, so we can fix the problem. After all, who wants to be happy – really?

Kicking the Addiction of People Pleasing

Kicking the Addiction of People Pleasing

How many times do we hear that it is not good to be a people pleaser?
A friend’s comment about one of my blogs initiated an investigation about the difference between people pleasing and being a caring and compassionate human being who helps others.

What I have learnt along the way

What I have learnt along the way

I am the person I am today because what I have experienced along my journey. It is never too late to leave your familiar existence and create a brighter future for yourself.

It Might Be Time To Quit

It Might Be Time To Quit

Are you sometimes wondering why you are so unhappy? Are you often feeling bad, insecure or double-guessing yourself? Are you sometimes feeling like you are on an automatic pilot going no-where fast? Treading on egg-shells? Feeling unlovable, unworthy, invalidated so many times? Feeling like a no-body and crazy?