by juttak | Dec 5, 2023 | Blog
What is the Universe Trying to Tell You? What do you get when you don’t listen to your still small voice – which repeatedly has whispered into your ear time and time again, sometimes for weeks, months or even years? Well, it might come the time that the Universe will...
by juttak | Nov 8, 2023 | Blog
3 Principles for Being Successfully Unhappy This is a guaranteed success formula for being unhappy! If you apply these three principles to your life, and you are still feeling happy, please contact me immediately, so we can fix the problem. After all, who wants to be...
by juttak | Nov 8, 2023 | Blog
Kicking the Addiction of People Pleasing I think something has to be clarified. How many times do we hear that it is not good to be a people pleaser?A friend’s comment about one of my blogs initiated an investigation about the difference between people pleasing and...
by juttak | Jan 19, 2023 | Blog
What I have learnt along the way…. Well, I thought maybe it is time to tell you a bit about myself…. I was born in Germany in 1961 (yes, a while ago). Same day and year as the Lady Di by the way J. Since I was 8, I wanted to emigrate to Canada or Australia. Well, I...
by juttak | Jan 19, 2023 | Blog
It Might Be Time To Quit 23 years ago I had my first child. My daughter was born in 1992. When I was pregnant I experienced my first physical abuse. (Wow, I never thought that would happen to me!). I broke up, then got scared, then we got married. Of course, the abuse...